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- Date: Sun, 3 Jul 1994 14:32:33 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Timothy Miller <millert@undergrad.csee.usf.edu>
- Subject: Re: First Vote
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- In-Reply-To: <memo.545518@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Message-Id: <Pine.3.87.9407031433.A7342-0100000@grad>
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- Nolte:
- )Timothy Miller:
- )>You won't be able to get AES 4.1,
- )Hmm, that's strange. My AES calls itself 4.1 while booting. Have I got an
- )insane AES or was I simply able to get it?
- Ah... my mistake... then you won't be able to get anything LATER than 4.1.
- Another note... in the independant-cursor block paradigm, how about we
- make the option for line-delete work for block delete when a block has
- been selected? This way, backspace and delete won't be bothered with.
- Christian:
- )The block paradigm _does_ make a difference for shortcut. The
- )Macintosh/NeXT guidelines are designed for the big-cursor paradigm. When a
- )cursor exists simultaneously with a block
- ) - you need a "hide block" function
- ) - delete/BS probably can't be used for deleting the block
- ) - setting block start/end in the menu makes sense
- ) - so does copy/move to cursor position
- )
- )In essence, additional shortcuts are needed that would better be used for
- )something else in the big-cursor paradigm.
- )Since we want to set standards for other things as well, we should better
- )put the big-cursor paradigm in the standard now, since it's well
- )established on the ATARI and in all other major GUI's. Those who still want
- )to implement the other sort of blocks (damn, isn't there a good name for
- )it? ) can make up their own shortcuts.
- )There isn't even an established standard for the other sort of block. I
- )occasionally have to use old programs that use this (GFABasic, TurboASS,
- )Tempus), but everyone has a different set of shortcuts for the block, and
- )none of them understands ^X/^C/^V.
- I agree with this, and the extra shortcuts required are one of the
- reasons I don't like the independant cursor paradigm.
- Warwick:
- )>) If the mouse is placed over an editable text field, the mouse MUST change
- )>) to a TEXT CURSOR while the mouse is over it. It must be changed back to
- )>) its original form when moved away.
- )>
- )>This isn't an easy thing to do. It requires constant tracking of the
- )>mouse position. Do you have an easy way to do this?
- )
- )Actually, you just need to use the rectangle area tracking events.
- )Using just two rectangles, it is possible to track any number of
- )rectangles. It is not trivial to implement and maintain this though.
- )For example, under X11 windows, this is part of the OS.
- I know. I've seen it implemented before, and it's NOT easy. You have to
- find the rectangles of all selectable, touchexit, or editable objects and
- make a rectaandle that fits in the areas not covered by them when the
- mouse is not over one of those objects. When the mouse IS over one of
- those, you put a rectangle for that object.
- There was discussion of busy-waiting... well, SOMETHING has to busy wait,
- whether it's your app with a timer or 1-pixel rectangle, or it's the OS
- which is given only mouse coordinates. When you use rectangles, the OS
- has to check the position of the mouse against the rectangles for every
- mouse movement. I wouldn't think that would have a whole lot less
- overhead than having your program track a 1-pixel rectangle.
- )>I just realized that I don't know how to build an object tree from
- )>scratch. Hmmm.
- )
- )It's very very easy. Just keep all the links correct. The last child's
- )ob_next points to its parent. The very last object in the form has the
- )LASTOBJECT bit set.
- I know these, but I just have never tried to do it before, so I don't
- quite know all that's involved. I'll leave the resource editors to the
- experts.